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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kisah Yang Lalu.. Sebagai Kenangan

Iiii..dlm aku tgh bergembira...hehhe.mcm raye nye cte pulak..ni haa..its jst to thank to those who had  contributed to my Engagement Day and Akad Nikah:-
1. My Lil Bros. KamarulZaman @ Yo(serba serbi buat,inai,bilik,hantaran), Hafidz Taquiddin @ Apiq(tukang kek n drebar ke sana sini)....thanx so much yo...i owe u alot..to my mum n dad..all of my family members, combi n didi, K.za, Aida(aku punye mek andang..tukang pki inai tuk aku n sume2 la..)Cik Bah and all of my aunties...n uncles...thanx so muchh..(jgn lupe dtg lagi nti tuk my reception..hehhe)
2. my besfren, Lin, Maklong paklong ..thanx byk2 sbb dtg aritu..nanti reception dtg gak tau..maklong n paklong..dah mcm mak ayah aku..feel so close to them..sometimes make me feel so stouching *Sob*Sob* 
3. Kak Nor from Faza Andaman Kuantan ( 0139802496) http://faza-andaman.blogspot.com/..for her willingness to travel all da way to Kerteh..for a nite..n day..THanx k.nor again n again....for Your Superb Touch! Mcm Make Over pun ade Gak *Wink*Wink* , cameraman aku..ucop ( nbr tepon aku tak ingat..tapi sape2 nk khidmat die..jst ym aku..ezajaan_032@yahoo.com) gbr nanti aku upload..kat http://ejaneul.blogspot.com @ http://picasaweb.google.com/ejaneul...
4. Gersia Homestay @ Paka.. and K.Tie (sama taman ngn rumah aku)..guests houses n mak andam's house..next time nk pki lagi..heheheh..kalo boleh sediakanlah toilettries skali ek..hehehe..
5. tuk miezan 0174300988, ngn kak lina 0124700165(ni kawan hubby aku..hehhehe..)nama kedai Anggun Saujana, Perlis yg buat hantaran nikah..all da way brought to Kerteh.. *GOld Silver)
6. tak lupa jugak tuk sume yg terlibat secara langsung n tak langsung.. tima kasih tuk sume..nanti reception jgn lupe dtg tau..

seee yaaa!!!!!